Primitive Baptist* Minutes
The Primitive Baptist Church has been a core for the Jeff and Polly's family since the seventeenth century (see Post about Church with Jeff and Polly). For years the Primitive Baptist have printed minutes that provide valuable genealogical information, including reports about church leadership and obituaries of church members. While there have been changes of churches and organization through the years, the Mates Creek Regular Primitive Baptist Association included the Primitive Baptist Churches with whom Jeff and Polly's family has primarily been associated: Pond Creek, Samaria, Big Creek, Peter Creek, and Columbus.**
This section includes:
An index of information obtained from Mates Creek Minute obituaries from 1885 through 1965. As more information can be developed, it will be added.
The Minutes of the Pond Creek Regular Baptist Church, as digested and indexed by Clyde Runyon in 1985.
*While Primitive Baptist is used here generically, recognizing that the church has gone through evolutions of organizations and names. For example, it is also referred to as the Regular Baptist at some points.
**Some of the Mates Creek Minutes were in the papers of Clyde Hatfield and Phyllis Blackburn. However, Leslie Hatfield, Clerk of the Mates Creek Association and grandson of Jeff and Polly, made the bulk of the minutes available, especially the more recent minutes, to be used for this research.
***Clyde Runyon, who lived in Belfry Kentucky, indexed and made Pike County, Kentucky, documents available to genealogists. His Marriage Bonds of Pike County, Kentucky 1822-1865 is another example of early Pike County documents Mr. Runyon has made generally available.